
May 24, 2012

Sorry ya'll

Salaam everyone. So I want to apologize for my lack of posts of substance. My life is consumed right now with staying alive. I had another surgery yesterday and had a semi-permanent access placed in my thigh. It's very very painful alhamdulillah and it's hard to get around.

However, for the first time in 3 weeks, I dialyzed completely. Alhamdulillah! I had been getting very sick from all the toxins building up so insha'Allah this SIXTH access will work and I can concentrate . on getting better again.

Alhamdulillah I have had around 17 people offer to be tested. Some complete strangers AND get this, non-Muslim. Subhanallah how Allah moves people! So I don't wanna hear from anyone, myself included, that America anti-Muslim. Yes, our government has policies in place that definitely support Islamaphobia but that does not reflect the feelings of most people on an individual level.

Anyway I have had thoughts for interesting posts but to be honest, I just don't have the energy. So bear with me and insha'Allah better days are coming. :-)

Oh alhamdulillah a friend gave Aaminah a kitten. This has been her heart's desire for a year and I just wanted to let her have something to make her happier. It's hard on her, having a sick mama and she is so excited to have him. Let me introduce Maximus the Catticus, or Max for short. :-)

He's a Maine Coon and can grow to 25 lbs subhanallah!

He's very active but I can't get pictures of that hence 2 pics lying down. :-)

Ma salaama ya'll!

May 17, 2012

Looking for a kidney donor i'A

Salaam ya'll. So I am officially looking for a living kidney donor now. My last transplant was from a living, un-related donor so this isn't anything new for me. I am going to list the criteria below. I do ask that you live in the US or in a visa-waiver country. The initial work-up is a simple blood test to check for blood type compatibility. I am B+ so another B+ or an O+ donor is what I am looking for.

Below is a link to some common Q & A about living kidney donation. As a reminder, Allah tells us in the Qur'an (5:32) that if we save the life of one, it is as if we have saved all of mankind.

If anyone feels they would sincerely be interested in giving me the "gift of life" contact me via my blog and I'll add you to the (hopefully growing) list of those interested. I am very sick sisters and it's difficult for me to take care of my daily responsibilities.



May 7, 2012

New look?

Salaam ya'll. I really wanna change the look of my blog. Please, any of you with some good websites for free blogger templates, hit me up. I like this one but it's just getting a little old. I've done before but really want something more individualized. I wish I had Mama Mona's mad skillz but alas, I don't so I'm stuck with a bit of ready-made magic.

Let me know, ya'll. Ma salaama!

P.S. Probably gonna be going to the hospital today because my access, that I just got last week, isn't working. We'll see. :-)

May 6, 2012

Nothing but quickies :-)

Salaam ya'll. So I had my surgery on Wednesday. My new access is barely working. Alhamdulillah. I am only running at 160 cc per minute instead of 350 cc per minute. That means only half the volume of blood is being cleaned. Alhamdulillah I still have some residual function but it's not fun, sisters. Loads of swelling, tiredness, nausea... all part and parcel with end stage renal failure. At treatment today I had 3.2 kg (over 6 pounds!) of excess fluid pulled off. AND I still make urine, Crazy. Crazy.

Good news is I'm still just Jeanna, same ole me. I tend to be happier than sad and get over disappointments quickly. Right now I'm really trying to focus on getting better, taking care of myself and Aaminah and learning how to accept help. I've always been independent and it's hard for me to say, hey can't do it. But I'm learning pretty quickly. :-) For example, I was so depleted after treatment today, I let Aaminah stay with the friend who watched her during dialysis. She loves playing with the kids there and if I brought her home, I would have sat on the chair, drifting in and out of sleep, and she would have been left to her own devices, largely. So alhamdulillah I have such good friends and family who can help out in my times of need. It's such a comfort.

I have some advice, sisters. Anytime you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances/choices/life just take a minute. We know, as Muslims, we are never alone but our Creator made us to crave companionship and love in this dunya. Most of us have at least a few people who love and sustain us. So just take a moment, when the situation seems insurmountable, and think about how truly hard your life would be without those people/that person. There are some people who are truly alone in this life. I wouldn't know what to do sisters. I am so grateful for all my beautiful friends, sisters, and family.

Ma salaama

P.S. Oh I have to go back to the hospital next Wed. and stay overnight. I'm having a contrast dye ct scan to look at the sorry state of my vasculature. Because my kidney is so fragile right now, I have to take a special medicine before and after, as well as do an extra dialysis treatment, in order to try and protect my transplant. Then they can decide on what type of permanent access to place. My veins just aren't co-operating and it's getting to be a big issue. Please pray for me, sister. JAK

May 2, 2012

And, yet again...

Salaam ya'll. Just got home from ANOTHER unexpected surgery. Alhamdulillah. My dialysis access wasn't working properly. Again. So off to the hospital, they pulled my old tubes and inserted new ones. I hurt but wanted to quickly sit down and let ya'll know.

Alright, time to take a rest. I'm tired, haven't been dialyzing well and my body is paying the price. I pray everyone is well and in high iman, please keep me in your dua. :-)
Ma salaama...