But we loved Ol' G. She was pretty dependable but of course her issues were many. No a/c, heat works but the blower wasn't connected to the duct work so it didn't blow out, bad struts and shocks, overheating, etc etc etc. Oh my, it was a lot of work to keep her running!
I wanted a new car but I had a few issues. One, Muslims are forbidden from usury or interest and being sick and two, on disability did not make it easy for me to save up money for a new vehicle so we were stuck. With Cap'n and H coming we really wanted a bigger car, definitely not 2 door Old G. Something not threatening to break down every couple of days.
Then I found it. My new vehicular love. :) Look isn't it purty? And a GREAT price! It's a 2002 Isuzu Axiom, a 6 cyl SUV that seats 5. I wouldn't have minded a 7 seater but the price on this was unbelievable! I really feel like Allah swt blessed us with the opportunity to get this car:
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Sweet ride! ;) |
I think we might save Old G for a secondary car for Cap'n to use if I am out and he needs to run somewhere. Never bad to have 2 cars when you live where we do and it's not easy to access things without a car. Speaking of Old G, look how purty she cleaned up:
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Aaminah's booster on the left and her friend J's on the right. :) |
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She doesn't show her age too bad, huh? |
We were going to sell her but to be honest, we couldn't get too much out of a 16 year old car and decided it was probably better just to keep it for Cap'n to drive as a second car. I did put an ad on craigslist but only got a couple of replies and one of those wanted it on payments! lol I think my exact reply was, "I need cash in hand up front. If I were wealthy I would not have been driving a 16 year old car!" LOL
So make dua for us this is good for our family. Oh tentatively, Cap'n and H should be here on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day! The tickets are cheapest that day so it makes sense to travel then. Unsure yet though because he is still waiting on his passport/visa to be delivered. It was officially issued on THURSDAY and H's was on FRIDAY so of course the weekend was wasted time. Praying for them to be ready tomorrow or Tuesday so we can buy 2 tickets!!!
PLEASE, make dua for us that they arrive here safely. Ya'll all know how long we have waited, how patient we've really tried to be and I really feel Allah swt is blessing us for our constantcy.
Insha'Allah he will be here this week!!!!! ma salaama ya'll!
Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah, MashaAllah both cars look great from where I'm sitting (I can't drive) InshaAllah your new car deal goes through and the boys make it within the week. Soo exciting it brings back memories of my dh and I waiting on him to come to UK a month before I was due to give birth to our first born
Aww thanks Umm Hamza! It IS an exciting time but one we are ready to get over and get down to the boringness of everyday married life iA! :)
Congratulations on your new car. Masha'Allah it looks great. Inshaa Allah, everything goes through with the paperwork.
Now, just waiting to come on your blog (one day soon Inshaa Allah!) and read about how your husband and stepson are home with you!
HM, it should be soon iA! We are hoping this week or next, depending on tickets prices and availability. It's hard with immigration bec you do knot NOW when you will get the visa so you cannot pre-purchase tickets. Frustrating but alhamdulillah
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