A'salaamu alaikum! Sorry I started this post a few days ago an didn't realize that the title posted but nothing else. Shukran, Banana Anne for giving me a shout-out anyway. lol
Soooo alhamdulillah so much can happen in two weeks time! I am now happily married and my family has grown by one husband, a fish, 2 cats, and 3 children. Ok NOW say "Mabrook/Masha'allah tabarakallah!" ;-) Thanks.
I moved to Massachusettes to be with my husband. We had intended to take it slowly (well kind of) and he was coming down and we were getting married but we had thought I would stay in Knoxville for a month or two while he readied his apartment, I got packed up, etc.
However once we met and married, spent some time together, we realized we had no desire to be apart. We had both been wanting to be married for years to a good, practicing Muslim/Musimah which we both strive to be. Sisters, please let me tell you, I feel like my husband is a barakah from Allah. Wallah. He is educated in our deen and while very conservative in his family values and in his approach to Islam he is not heavy-handed or rude.
He is not a member of the "haram police" we've all met them before, right? ;-) He has the exact right mix and I could not be happier. I mean unless we actually did get a couple of days sans kids but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. Maybe when they graduate... lol
Of course there have been alot of changes, some compromise, some messiness. Trying to consolidate two households into one apartment, mesh our eating habits and sleep schedules. Just in general acclimating to a new person in your life. But wait, you actually get 3 more! lol In A's case, he got me and a "bonus" as he calls Aaminah masha'allah. ;-)
I am happy, sisters. Really truly happy. I am thankful to Allah swt for leading me to this wonderful brother, I am happy to be a full-time mother and wife, I just love my life. Please make dua for us that Allah swt continue to bless us and that we grow in our practice and knowledge of Islam.
Ma salaama,
Umm Aaminah
Mabrook, Masha'Allah, tabarakallah!!!!
Assalamu Aleykum,
MashALLAH Mabruk dear sister!I wish you happyness with your new family InshALLAH!
I live in Massachusetts too! Masha'Allah it's an awesome state, albeit really, really cold right now. If you ever get a chance you should come to the ISBCC masjid in Boston. It's got a bookstore, a clothing store, a school, a cafe, and a beautiful musallah Masha'Allah. I seriously go there just to read, hang out and chat with friends; how many masjids can boast that!
assalau'Alaikum! Masha'Allah! I don't know you, but i'm soo happy for you! Good luck with married life! It sounds great! xx
A'salaamu alaikum. Anne, my husband said he and his children were there for the first jumah held at that big beautiful masjid. He said insha'Allah he will take me into Boston one day and we will go there. Maybe I'll see you. ;-)
Neelam, Salaam and jazakallahu khair for the well-wishes. I am verrrry happy and this is what I have been seeking. All I can say is alhamdulillah. :-)
Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah may Allah always keep you so xxx
mashaAllah..InshaAllah you are well sister. I am from the UK and inshaAllah we will be moving the US soon. Maybe we can be friends one day, inshaAllah. Take care
We'll be "neighbors!". Please feel free to message me at any time via my fb tag if you want and welcome to my blog! ma salaama
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