
August 21, 2011

Got blog?

I just love wordles!

A'salaamu alaikum ya'll! Just wanting anyone who reads here regularly and has a blog to please comment below. Sometimes I forget to check out people's blog and I hate to think I have people who read here but I forget to read theirs!

So if it isn't too much to ask, please just shoot me a comment and say, "Hey, UofA, why dontcha ever check out MY blog?" except please be nice. I don't wanna cry. :-)

Btw, I am posting this at 2am. Ya Allah! I babysitted for taraweeh prayer and Islamc school fundraiser tonight and didn't get home til 1 am; that is also cleaning up after the little demons darlings! That's a whole other post, though, the craziness and lack of manners. Anyway is sooo late and I'm sooo tired that my eyes are crossing and the page looks blurry. Forgive any typos. :-)

Alrighty, ma salaama!


SSA said...


Happy fasting.

^^..I'm malaysian and i always read anything interesting on your blog~^^

If you visit my blog, i hope you can leave some comment on my shoutbox inside my blog.

p.s-->I'm fully use Malay language to post my entry.


Adventurous Ammena said...

Assalamalikum sister... Im a faithful reader to your blog.. are you to mine?? ;)

Umm Aaminah said...

Sr. Nur, I can't read Malay but insha'Allah I'll stop by and give a big hello!

Sr. Ammena, yep, I am a subscriber to your blog; you are on my blog roll to the right. :-) Love reading about your newly-wed adventures masha'allah!

S said...


You should check out my blog at I love wordles, too. I used to use them with my students all the time. They loved it!