
September 15, 2013

Chipotle-seasoned egg and turkey sausage breakfast bowl (low-carb)

I finally got rid of these old Americana dishes but I kept the 2 pasta bowls because they are so shallow, great for eggs. :)
Salaam ya'll! Aaminah woke up STARVING this morning but didn't know what she wanted to eat. Don't ya'll love those days??? ;) So after about half an hour of general grousing (and my not-so-empty threats of "whiners don't eat breakfast") she asked for us to make something. With "ingredients". :) Which is Aami-ese for "I wanna cook in the kitchen with my mama".

So with those very loose parameters, off we go. I always get vegetarian-fed, cage-free eggs. Why? I feel like they are probably treated more humanely and the general consensus is they are healthier, with more Vitamin D and less cholesterol. iA khair! I usually get Eggland's Best but I think this past time I got the Kroger brand. :)

After a cursory perusal of the fridge we decide scrambled eggs are the way to go. :) I bought some bulk turkey sausage (not the pre-cooked type) to make little quiche with but I wasn't feeling adventurous enough to make a crust today. (Plus I was out of shortening!). So I throw a chunk of the sausage in the skillet with a pat of butter and brown it. I really like to add a little extra sage and red pepper but alas I was out of both ingredients today. That's ok, we improvise, it's how we roll.

Aaminah cracked the eggs (she asked for 2 although I was pretty sure that would be too much) while the sausge browned. After she beat them nice and fluffy (and we fished a few pieces of shell out! lol) I added about a 1/4 tsp of pureed chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. You can buy the small can in the ethnic food section and bring it home and puree it. It will store for a while in the fridge as it is preserved in some vinegar. It adds a delicious spicy, smoky kick to anything and it's one of our favorite condiments. :)

I wiped out the cast iron skillet (we don't use non-stick anymore) and put another pat of butter in. Poured in the eggs, cooked until almost completely set, then I turn off the stove. Cast iron hold heat so well they cook with the heat off. Then I added the cooked sausage back in along with a generous handful (Aaminah's hand!) of shredded cheese. Oh we also put a pinch of salt in the beaten egg but pepper is done after the sausage is added.

Slide out onto your plate or bowl and enjoy! Now for the low-carb thing, it wasn't intentional. Aaminah is a healthy eater with a great appetite for a variety of foods. Typically if I made this it would have half an English muffin on the side as well as a sectioned clementine or a few grapes. I like color on a plate and we like to eat balanced. However, this morning was kind of a spur-of-the-moment post and I had to take her bowl away for a second to even get a pic! ;)

Let's see, for the turkey sausage I used pre-made from the freezer section; however it's easy to make your own (I've done it) and season it as you would like. Being from the south, we love sage and red pepper in ours and I typically add a drizzle of maple syrup (the real stuff not Mrs. Butterworth's lol) at the end or of course you could incorporate it into your mix. However, the sweet maple flavor wouldn't really work well in a savory dish like this. We really like it with waffles or pancakes or even on a biscuit. :)

So on a separate note, I was talking to Cap'n about my blog. Of couse I told him I started it back up and, surprise surprise, he actually read a post! When we first met I told him I had a blog and offered for him to read it but he was uninterested. Now, to me, that was unfathomable. Doesn't he want to know what I think about things, how I view the world??? It was much more simple than that. He was aware there were comments regarding my previous life that he really just didn't want to know. I think he chose the wiser path but if it were me, I would have read it front to back! ;) The difference between us and alhamdulillah for everything. :)

Anyway he is on board with me blogging again; he comes from a culture that is very private and doesn't believe in being such an open book. :) I'm southern through and through and we just don't meet a stranger! I think his acceptance now comes from the fact that we know each other so well now and he knows I am not the type of person to broadcast my bidness ;) to everyone. I take the Qur'anic injunction seriously to keep my husband's secrets and he keeps mine. Alhamdulillah. :) So now that we have that understanding, he has no problem.

Of course he does require I not show our faces; he just doesn't trust the intention of bad people. He also doesn't want me to talk about him a lot at this point except in a general way. He said until he is here with me he just feels it's for the best. He is such an awesome husband, alhamdulillah, and is so easy on everything that when he does ask me for something, I am more than happy to oblige. It's a two-way street, sisters, because he does the same with me. :)

Alrighty then, guess I'll sign out for now. It's nice catching up again. :)


HijabiMommy said...

Looks and sounds yummy! So did your blueberry cobbler, by the way. And you have got me wanting to try those chipotle peppers.

So glad Cap'n is on the same page about your blog now. May Allah continue to bless you both and your marriage. Ameen.

Umm Aaminah said...

You will not regret your foray into chipotle land. :) They are so delicious and pack a nice punch. Heat plus smoky yumminess. And cheap!