*Exhibit A*
A'salaamu alaikum ya'll. See how lush and full this flower box is? I did have masses of blooms I had to cut off about 7 inches of growth masha'Allah because they were overgrowing the box and crowding each other out. Nice. Insha'Allah it will fill out again in another month. My husband bought Miracle Gro and well it lives up to its name apparently.
However, me being the cheap-o that I am, refused to pay $10 for dirt. What can it matter, I naievely thought. Well obviously it matters a whole lot. Exhibit B: flowers from the same flat as exhibit A but placed in the cheap Wal-Mart "potting soil". Hmmm. I think you can do the math. :-)
Lesson learned.
Here is my wandering jew vine. I love it's plum and green hues. When I went looking for it this spring I was a little leery of goin to the plant store and asking for a "wandering jew" in case that was just the southern term for it. Alhamdulillah that is what it is known as. Whew! lol
Oh btw this is my second post of the day so if you just click on the title link you will miss out on the bea-u-ti-ful pics of Aaminah I posted just a few minutes prior.
Ma salaama ya'll and happy gardneing!
1 comment:
'wandering jew'? Lololoool. Geez they got weird names for things.
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