1. OK now that I am sitting here, all ready to go, my mind has frozen. Um great. So #1 on my list is "My mind refuses to work". On with the show!
2. My alter-ego is the musician P!nk (Pink). I have to say I think she is awesome and I would love to be able to give dawah to her. :-) She is strong and unapologetic; however, she is also not very modest which gave me a hard time when trying to find a suitable photo for my blog. ;-) BTW the tattoo in the pic below is not real.
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I love her hair; I would soooo have it if my husband wouldn't die from fright and disgust. :-) |
3. We had a super duper snow storm here in MA last week. I mean loads of snow; we had over a foot where I live plus very high winds. It was officially termed a blizzard. Here is a pic I took about 3 days after the intitial snow; we had to wait for the winds to subside before we could venture out with little Aaminah in tow!
View from front of our apartment building with view of snow pushed up by snow plow. Really it was sooo beautiful! |
5. I wish blogger would let you type while uploading photos. Sometimes it takes a while to load and I sit here, fingers still. :-)
6. I really love body piercing and used to have (besides my ears) my eyebrow and nose pierced. I removed my eyering when I became Muslim and took my nose ring out when I married A because he didn't like it. (I was previously married to an Indian so he didn't have an issue with it.)
Eid-ul-Adha (I think!) 2009. You can see my nose ring and a super-tired little Aamimah, miskeena. :-( Eid is hard on the kids, waking up early, dressing up, fixing their hair, etc. etc. |
6. Still missing my sons; this never goes away or lessens. I also miss my little dog Nova; he was a part of our family for over 7 years and he was AWESOME. I eventually found him a new home but it was one of the harder things I have done in my life. :-(
Alright my lazy post is over. Hope you enjoyed. Ma salaama....
Oh, I hate when that happens! I'll have a bunch of ideas that I want to blog about but once I sit down to actually write them, they all vanish! I'm thinking of just carrying around a notebook and pen wherever I go...nerdy, but at least I'll remember things!
Masha'allah, loving all the cute pics of Aaminah!
First of all, She is so adorable!! MashaAllah! Pink is awesome. I love "dear mr. president" esp.
I miss snow! Omg I hate blogger lately, sometimes Ill open 2 new post windows and load pics in one and type in the other, but the picture uploader is a pain lately.I always wanted a little nose ring stud. It must be so hard with your boys, I can't imagine. I remember your post about Nova :(
masha'Allah for that precious little one. i think the nose ring suits you. i've been planning on getting one.
mashAllah your little one is a cutie pie, love those cheeks.
I really like body piercings too, I had my navel pierced, but had to take it out with my second pregnancy and it grew over, don't think my husband wants me to get it re pierced.
HJ, masha'Allah what dedication! And so what if nerdy? We will rule the world!!!!! hahaha
Mona, I was pretty sure as I wrote about Nova again that I had done it before. :-) lol Guess that shows how much I miss the my little buddy. :-D We haven't had much snow this year; I'm waiting for more!
Zanjabil, thanks for your masha'Allah!!!
MC, maybe you could search out a place that has a woman technician? I did that when I got my nose pierced cause I didn't want some random dude all up in my bid'ness. ;-) lol
Assalam-alaikam Sis,
mash'Allah love the baby pic, hasn't your little princess changed.
I usually type in Word whilst I upload pictures to my blog - easier for me to spot all of the spelling mistakes too and then cut and paste (onto the html view)
I liked Pink too :D
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